Elekon Oy design services and electrical installations



Elekon Oy has a highly qualified staff for electrical and machinery design and electrical installations.

We also design and build automatic units and distribution boards.

El. Installations and design for house-building is also our interest!

Sunnet-consulting Oy is specified for economical consulting, project management systems and for education.



We design and coordinate electrical projects with You, from start to finish!

We have lots of experience regarding shipbuilding and offshore areas.

We also design HVAC systems for Your company.

Our drawings and services are directly linked to the production!

If you need help for economical consulting or project management, please contact Sunnet-consulting Oy.



Specialized in electrical design projects, consultation and constructions supervising of Cruise Ship's public areas, Entertainment- and electrical distribution and low voltage systems in shipbuilding industry.

Decades worth of experience ranging from electrical projects in Finnish shipyards and abroad in Holland 2005 and USA 2004 and 2001.

Budget calculations and expenses controlling related to the contract technical specifications.

Experience concerning supervising production manufacturing in different workshops.(Main Swb's, Distribution Boards etc.)

1987- Project Manager, Elekon-suunnittelu Oy

1995- Manager, Sunnet-consulting Oy

1985-1987 Project Engineer, Elomatic Groups, Turku

1982-1985 Head of El. Department, Aura-Marin Engineering Oy

1979-1982 Planning Engineer, Rauma Repola Oy, Mäntyluoto

2016 Storage for Boats (Builder Sipilä, Rusko)

2015 Cutten Wood Power Stations for Sipilä and Husula

2014 Distribution Panels to Proj. Rauma (Team Electric Oy)

2008-14 Distribution Boxes to Housebuilding

2013 House for "Juniors" /Lieto to Rakennus Huuhka Oy

2013 Pellet and Cutting Wood Power Stations to SGN and Bioexpert: Siikainen and Yläne

2010 Row of Houses/Sauvo to Huuhka Oy

2010-12 Vanto, Pulkki, Lintula, Pirttimäki, Alitalo

2012 Summer Houses to Marthildendal, Teijo

2010 Shop Center(Basar) in Varissuo, Turku

2011 Summer Houses: Gylling

2011 Kindergarten to Sauvo/Randell Oy

2011 Pellet Power Station/Lemu, Mannerjärvi

2011 Bio Power Station/Mynämäki, Aro

2010 Bars to Huuhka Oy, Pet Shop, Movable Kiosk and Carousell Kiosk to Huuhka Oy

2009 Huuhka Oy: Conf. Center, 11 pcs of Bars, Movable Fire Bulkheads

2008 Huuhka Oy: Aker Tku nb1354

2007 Huuhka Oy: Aker Tku nb1353

2006 Freedom of The Seas/Promenade Area and Fire Doors to Aker nb1352

2005 Enchantment of The Seas/Aker Hki Area 006L to Optimakers Oy

Soverign of The Seas/Repair of Windjammer in Miami to Nefora Oy

2010 Relay Boxes to Crew Windjammer nb1363 and nb 1364 (to Team Electric Oy)

2012 Different Control and Distribution Boxes to Team Electric Oy! Distribution Boxes and Starters to Meriaura/Accom. via Team Electric

2005-07 El. Installation Work to Windjammer nb1352-nb1354 /to Huuhka Oy, Nefora Oy (Modules etc.)

2007 Test Bed 2 to Auramarine Oy, Littoinen

2000-2007 Different Logic Units for Industry

1999-2000 RCCL Explorer of The Seas and Voyager of The Seas, Gen. automatic Units and Air Damper Control Units

2016 Storage for Boats, Sipilä / Rusko

2015 Cutten Wood Power Station, Sipilä / Rusko

2015 Cutten Wood Power Station, Husula / Hollola

2014 Repair Ship, STX Rauma/Team Electric Oy: Planning and work of el. distribution boards

2013 TUI, STX Turku/Optimakers Oy: Planning of el. systems of crew disco, training and outdoor deck.

2013-2008 Housebuilding and Industry: Planning and el. installation work of kidengarten, towhouses, bio power stations, houses etc.

2012 STX Rauma/Team Electric Oy:El. planning and production/delivery of distribution boards to the Meriaura.

2011 Tebuil Oy: Planning of WT Doors to the ships.

2010-2008 STX Turku, Genesis serie/Huuhka Oy: Supervising and el. installations of conf. center, bars, mobile kiosk and carousel.

2008-2007 STX Turku, Oases of The Seas: Planning of el. systems to the crew gym and training.

2007-2009 STX Turku, Oases of The Seas/Elomatic Marine Engineering: Planning of el.systems of casino, library, central park. Work drawings of DAT-Tanker to the Aker Artic.

2006 AFY Turku Color Line nb 1355/Huuhka Oy: Planning of el. systems to A´la carte restaurant.

2006 AFY Rauma Color Superspeed nb 1359 and 1360/Elomatic Marine Engineering: Basic design el drawings.

2005 Aker Artic/Elomatic Marine Engineerig: DAT Tanker Basic el. design.

2005-2006 AFY Turku, Freedom of The Seas: Supervising and el. installation works to the promenade area and shops to Huuhka

2005 KMY Helsinki Area 06L/Optimakers Oy Enchangement of the Seas: Supervising and el. installation work. (Work in Holland!)

2004 KMY Turku/Huuhka Oy: Color Line nb 1351 A´la carte restaurant and shops, supervising and el. installation works.

2004 RCCL Sovereing of The Seas/Nefora Oy: Supervising, el. planning and el. installation work of windjammer.(Repair work in Bahamas).

2003-2001 KMY Turku nb1347 and 1348/ Nefora Oy: Supervising and el.insallation work of A- and Royal Suites.

2004-2000 KMY Helsinki nb 500-503/Optimakers Oy: Planning, supervising and el. installation works of Piano Bar Area.

2001-1999 Proj.Ingalls to USA/Elomatic Marine Engineering Oy: Planning of el. systems and supervising in Ingalls Shipyard.

2004-1999 KMY Helsinki nb 498-503/Huuhka Oy: El. planning, supervising and installation work of Shop Areas.

2004-1999 KMY Turku nb 1344-1348/Huuhka Oy: El. planning, supervising and installations to Conf. Centers.

1999-1998 KMY Turku nb1344/Alandia Engineering Oy: Supervising of Casino and Windjammer. (Planning with Elomatic)

1998-1997 KMY Turku nb1344/Kone-Plan Oy: El. planning of conf. center and cabin areas.

1996-1995 Turku Repair Yard/Elomatic Group: El. planning of Finnsailor.

1995-1994 KMY Turku DSR and Gas Tankers/Elomatic Group: Planning of el. systems and gas detection system

1993-1987 Elekon Housebuilding and Shipbuilding Standard Distribution Boards: Plannings, sales and supervising of production.

1992 Uusikaupunki Shipyard Oy/Elekon: El. plannings of T150 Road Rig and Navy Ship Tuima.

1991 Hollming Shipyard/Elekon: Planning of el. distribution Boards and Main Switchboard to T200 Road Rig and production/delivery of Main Swb.

1991-1990 Kvaerner Masa-Yards Oy Helsinki, Sensation/Elekon: Planning of low voltage systems and production/delivery of MCC starters.

1990-1989 Masa-Yards Oy Helsinki, Ecstacy/Elekon: Planning of el. systems and production/delivery of MCC starters.

1990 Hollming Shipyard: Planning of el. distribution of special ship to Soviet Union and production/delivery of Distribution Boards.

1990-1987 Wärtsilä Marine Helsinki/Elekon: Planning of low voltage systems of Fantasy and production/delivery of MCC starters.



Elekon suunnittelu Oy

Machinery and Electrical Design, Marketing


gsm +358 04 5377781

Jottis Oy

HVAC and El. Design

gsm +358 50 3532446 / Jani Laaksonen

Apeto Oy

El. Distribution Boards and Automatic Units

gsm +358 400 525783 / Ari Salonen

Sunnet-consulting Oy

Education and Consulting



Sunnet-consulting Oy

Education and Consulting


Sunnet-consulting Oy:n koulutus- ja konsultointipalvelut:

Pienyritysten talousohjaus ja konsultointi.

Projektinhallinta ja -seuranta sekä projektisuunnittelmat.

Ryhmätyö ja konsultointi. (Yhteistyössä linkitettyjen yritysten kanssa.)

Pienyritysten verkostoituminen ja verkottuminen.

Pienyritysten tietotekniset palvelut. (kts. www.bitgarden.com)



Laukkavuorenkatu 10
20610 TURKU

+358 40 5377781
